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A To Z Mold Inspection Brooklyn NY

For large-scale mold removal, expert knowledge and specialized equipment are required to carry out mold remediation work. Listed below are several other situations in which a mold removal specialist is required in order to guarantee effective mold remediation, regardless of the size of the impacted area.

Proper Structural Drying

In order to reduce the chances of mold reappearing in your home or business, or returning after a clean-up, proper structural drying should take place. Mold Removal Valley Stream provides commercial dehumidification and air purifying equipment and ensure that indoor air quality guidelines are followed. This type of large-scale work is particularly important after significant flooding or a large leak in the property. Simply cleaning away the mold without thoroughly drying the property out will mean that remaining moisture leads to reoccurrence.

Disaster Recovery

Any mold that comes as a result of flooding should be removed by a professional mold remediation expert. Flood water can be contaminated by sewage, chemicals and bacteria, and any contaminated water damage must be dealt with by an expert. Similarly, contaminated materials must be dealt with professionally as they pose serious health risks and can cause problems long after the flood.

Specialized Item Cleaning

Different items require different methods and approaches to cleaning and decontamination. If you have an item of personal or sentimental importance that has been affected by mold and are not sure how it can be cleaned, this should be done by a professional team. Even if you’ve thoroughly wiped it and used a product described as a “mold removal spray,” there is still a chance that mold spores could remain within the fibers. Mold removal spray does not actual exist; mold must be removed professionally and any spray will just form part of a wet wipe after.

HVAC System Contamination

Any situation where there is or could be mold growth or settled spores impacting the HVAC system of a property requires a mold removal specialist. Because mold grows and travels through spores, when a HVAC system is contaminated by mold, the infestation can quickly spread and become a large-scale issue. Not only would the entire HVAC system need to be cleaned and decontaminated, but any of the spaces warmed or cooled by the air system would also need to be tested and potentially treated for mold due to possible exposure.

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What our client say about us

Clara James

This company was terrific. They paid attention to details and addressed all of my concerns. They arrived on time and we reviewed the contract information together to make sure we were on the same page. They were neat, courteous ad reasonably priced. I have a business and several properties so I will use them for all of my cleaning needs.

James T

Our basement flooded due to a flood so we had them come out and remove the paneling and dry the basement out. This company did an excellent job getting all the water out and sanitizing the basement. This was a big concern of ours since our kids rooms are down there. Awesome company!!